
Posts Tagged ‘table manners’

Inspiration for today: Manners. Over-rated or not?

I grew up in a family that was big on manners. My Mum, in particular, went out of her way to ‘train’ us up properly.

At the time it seemed so irritating to me. Who cared if I wanted to put my elbows up on the table, or shovel food into my mouth at top speed? If I was chewing with my mouth slightly open, I really didn’t see what the big deal was at eight years old. It was very annoying when I was trying to eat my meal only to be interrupted by Mum telling me to use my knife and fork properly.

Oh how times have changed. Now, as an adult, I am so thankful for this input into basic social etiquette.

It never ceases to amaze me how many adults do not have even the simplest of table manners.

The ‘scrapers’ are possibly the worst offenders, attacking their plate violently with each mouthful. A ‘scraper’ will be seen stabbing their fork into the plate, and scraping their knife as they furiously cut up the food.

Another violent offender at the table is the ‘lip-smacker’. This un-mannered person will smack their lips with each mouthful. They open and shut their mouth profusely; generally producing the sound of a cow chewing grass. How uncouth!

Let’s not forget the most bizarre offenders of all – the grown adult who doesn’t know how to use a knife and fork. I shudder at the thought of those holding their cutlery as if they have a severe handicap of the hands. It really is not that hard to cut up a piece of lasagna using a knife and fork correctly.

To all these offenders I want to scream, “didn’t your Mother teach you any manners?!”

The adult me is so thankful for the time my parents took to teach me how to behave at the table. As a result I don’t think I am offensive when I am eating out and I don’t make anyone feel uncomfortable with the noises I am producing; I simply enjoy the meal. Thanks Mum. You were right and I owe you one.

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